It’s that time of year again – almost the end of summer – where school is about to start up and suddenly everyone’s schedules have changed and everything seems to be moving a million miles a minute. 


Now’s the time to get back into the swing of things! 


Here are a few tips on how to keep from falling out of line this Fall: 


Personal Tips: 

  • Start getting back on schedule as soon as possible
  • Put money aside in an emergency fund or savings 
    • This can come in handy for unexpected or unaccounted for expenses that could come up in the rush of things. (ex: books for school, a part for a car, a house repair due to the weather getting colder etc.) 
  • Organize your papers & receipts 
    • This will help you in the future when it’s closer to tax season as well. 
  • Try tracking your budget 
    • Find out where all of your extra cash is going! 
    • Try writing out your budget & expenses on paper or in today’s day and age, there are many different great apps out there to use! 


Business Tips: 

  • Communicate with your employees 
    • Are their schedules or needs changing this time of year at all? 
    • The new season is also a good time to go over employee reviews, gain feedback, introduce any changes, talk about policies etc. 
  • Continue networking
    • Attend networking events
    • Build relationships with neighboring businesses 
  • Check your finances
    • See if you need all of the subscriptions that you’re apart of and double check your taxes & deductions etc.